What Service Means

Gaby McEwan truly believes in giving real service. But what is “Service” when everyone claims to provide it? To really provide service that makes a difference requires a mind set where others come first. No one said it better than Dr. Martin Luther King. Though not intended for business his words are an example to all, in one of his famous speeches he declares that “to serve” is motivated from the heart. Please play the video!

Any real estate agent, in fact anyone in business, can claim they provide “service”, words often come easily and cheaply. But the real meaning of service is more than the use of a simple word; it is a life long dedication and commitment to helping others to a better life, to higher standards.

To provide “Real Service” demands the giver has the benefit of others as their priority.

Doubters and sceptics will say that “business is business” and “service is dollar related” and in some small way they are right. However, experience shows that the “more you give the more you get”, the giving of “Real Service” is then not only desirable but also profitable. Which is why clients love the superb results Gaby McEwan achieves time after time. It’s all about professional expertise, experience and the dynamic energy to win the very best result for you.

Yes, Gaby McEwan is a top performing agent but after just a little while you will come to think of her as your trusted friend in real estate, giving you “Real Service” at all times. The kind of person you will confidently recommend to your own family, friends and neighbours with absolute trust. The best way to see what we mean is to… see what we mean! Please visit the testimonials page and read what real people say about the real service, real performance and real dedication to their best interests that Gaby McEwan has given them at all times.

A few words from Gaby McEwan about service.

“I promise to give you my very best service and dedication to looking after your best interests at all times. Yes, my business is Real Estate and yes, business is business. But I know that the only way to really provide a level of service that makes a difference is to care deeply about what you want, to help you achieve your own dreams and objectives. This is my passion.

For me, the only way to provide service is to totally commit myself to looking after my clients 100%. I promise to do the same for you and everyone who places their trust in me. That’s what I believe true service really means.”

real estate professional

Dr. Martin Luther King

Please view the above video clip and meditate on the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, they are inspirational. It is true that Dr. King did not intend his speech to be used for business; the purpose of his words was to influence humanity for the good of all. However, the principles of this marvellous definition of what it truly means “To Serve” should be as valid in business as they must be in life.

Find out more about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King >> (1929-1964)