Marketing Plan

Market 24 Hours A Day with a high visibility “For Sale” sign with direct mobile numbers answered 7 days per week. When buyers call, they reach me directly. Because I know your home, I immediately use the opportunity to sell your home’s great features. I will promote and market your home so buyers are speaking directly to me when they call and not a message bank. Along with email on demand if the customer requires an immediate brochure and information on your home.

Excite Buyers About Your Home. I emphasize the benefits of your home and community. Each brochure includes the kind of detailed, specific information buyers want and need. Not just a picture and 6 bullet points about how many bedrooms and bathrooms. I use the back of the brochure for more information to make the buyers want to see it NOW”!

Aggressive Marketing For Your Home.
Rather than just waiting for the phone to ring, I reach buyers with prospecting methods that can include the following activities…Letterbox dropping the immediate area, target mailings, calls, emails to top producers and my buyers as well as general open houses as necessary, marketing on the internet, social media and advertising as discussed with you.

Superior Photography, Superior Copywriting, Awesome Brochures!
I take pride in providing some of the most impressive photography and copywriting skills in the Australian real estate industry. I believe people eat with their eyes prior to reading the text. Photos have got to be 100% and plenty of them.

Determine The Right Price To Make Your Home A “Hot Property”.
This is the most critical step. I’ll review market demand, nearby competition, recent sales, and many other variables than can affect your home’s value. You will get a detailed look at what’s going on in your local home sales market and my input on the best pricing strategy to get you the most money in the shortest possible time. You need an expert in the real estate market. You need the kind of experienced reliable professional service I can offer.

Make Simple, Low Cost Changes To Increase The Saleability Of Your Home.
Rely on me to be direct when advising you on what should be done prior to putting your home on the market. I will let you know how your home looks from a buyer’s point of view, and what cost effective repairs will make your home “show ready” by staging it properly!

Negotiate Only With Qualified Buyers.
I interview buyers to be sure they are ready, willing and able purchasers so you don’t wind up wasting time and money. Buyers need answers to countless technical questions financing, payment, insurance, title clearance, and how to improve or repair the home to suit their needs. I supply them with a Buyer’s Booklet and as your agent and along with my Finance Consultants I have the professional know-how and technical expertise to make it easy for qualified buyers to purchase your home.

Excite Other Real Estate Agents About Your Home.
I know which agents have clients that will be interested in your home. I also conjunct with a network of agents who may have a buyer. I am then also promoting your home to them! I will give your home the widest market exposure possible.

Protect You By Documenting All Calls, Letters And Visits.
I am organised and computerised, which means I can anticipate and handle all the details needing special care to successfully sell your home. My careful record keeping means a smooth transaction with as much legal protection as possible for you.

Let You Know Exactly What’s Going On With Buyer Showings.
I keep you up to date by phone calls and written feedback from the buyers. I follow up on all inspections with my feedback form and phone calls so you know what agents and buyers are thinking about your home and represent you at the presentation of all offers. Most importantly, I negotiate on your behalf to get you the highest possible price, not try to make you take the first offer that comes to the table. Upon acceptance, I will coordinate with the buyers, inspectors, lenders, appraisers, solicitors and of course handle any complications that can occur at times throughout the process so that you get the most important thing of all…your settlement cheque on time!