Location, Style and Size
In choosing the right home there are several factors you need to consider, including:
Location: preferred suburbs and access to schools, work amenities
Style and size of home: unit, house, duplex and family needs
In deciding on a location, as a local resident Gaby McEwan knows the area extremely well and is also aware of any proposed changes in the area that are likely to affect your investment.
However, you should consider factors such as distance from your place of work, nearby educational facilities, availability of recreational facilities, the local town-planning scheme, and the development potential of the land.
When determining the style and size of your home, consider your basic needs, for example:
- Garage or carport requirements
- An extensive garden or easy care surrounds
- Family living areas: games room, bedrooms etc.
- Inside and outside entertaining areas
- Capacity to extend.
The research that you may care to undertake includes obtaining a copy of the Certificate of Title. This will inform you of any encumbrances that may affect your use of the land or strata entitlement. It is also wise to enquire with the seller’s agent whether the local authority has approved extensions on the property.