Check out the video clips for the type of Agent you don’t want… enjoy!
Appointing an agent to sell your property is a very serious decision. Make the wrong choice and you could lose a fortune or wait an eternity before your property sells, if it sells at all. There are lots of people in real estate, some are good and others, well the least said the better. The fact is that like any other profession there are outstanding performers and the rest. Which is why my clients love the superb results I achieve time after time. It’s all about professional expertise, experience and the dynamic energy to win the very best result for you.
Please view the below video clips and have a smile. Then take the serious view, because while it’s all fun the last thing you want is an agent who treats you like a number, does not know what’s happening and why, or is not dedicated to looking after your best interests.
Know Nothing Agent
Sweet Ambience
Do You Keep Dogs?
The Pushy Closer